The data below represent everything available in the MBMG Abandoned and Inactive Mines (AIM) database.

Sites Table
AIM Id Name Alternate Name District County
MRDS AMLI MILS Latitude Longitude Datum
W007427 12-050 300230023 46.1603 -113.23
Township Range Section QSection UTM Northing UTM Easting UTM Zone UTM Datum
05N 13W 28 ACBD 5114205 327976 12
Average Elevation Elev Units Land Owner 250K Quad 100K Quad 24K Quad
Property Type Update Date Who Updated
LODE 6/13/1996 DMT
Commodities Table
Commodities Identified
Agency Info Table
Agency: NF
Region District: R1
Ranger District: DEERLODGE
Forest Service Tract:
Watershed Code: 17010201
Forest or Resource Area: DEERLODGE
Owner: M
Report: Trigger The Trigger was worked strictly as a tungsten mine, and produced 4000 tons of ore averaging 1% WO3 in the early 1950's (Walker, 1960). Scheelite occurs along shears, fractures, and along bedding planes in replacement lenses and pipes. It appears that most ore was stoped from a lens with a N25E 33NW orientation, sub-parallel to bedding, and that this zone was 400 feet long and 2.5 feet thick. It pinches out up dip. An underground map (Walker, 1960) shows about 300 feet of workings, accessed from two adits. Host rock is Jefferson Formation which has been metamorphosed to a white crystalline marble. Three adits and an open stope are either locked or fenced off today.
Screening Criteria Table
Mill Tailings: N
Adit Discharge: N
Metal Leaching: N
Water Erosion: N
Residence: N
Hazardous Materials: N
Open Adit: N
Visit: Y
Comments: LONN; 9/92

End of report. Retrieved 7/22/2024 1:00:14 PM.

The preceding materials represent the contents of the databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval. The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis. The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user at the time and date of the retrieval. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. There may be data in the request area that are not recorded at the Bureau.