The data below represent everything available in the MBMG Abandoned and Inactive Mines (AIM) database.

Sites Table
AIM Id Name Alternate Name District County
MRDS AMLI MILS Latitude Longitude Datum
01-130 300010164 45.2925 -112.8847
Township Range Section QSection UTM Northing UTM Easting UTM Zone UTM Datum
06S 11W 24 DCBD 5017294 350887 12
Average Elevation Elev Units Land Owner 250K Quad 100K Quad 24K Quad
Property Type Update Date Who Updated
LODE 4/6/1995 JEW
Commodities Table
Commodities Identified
Agency Info Table
Agency: NF
Region District: R1
Ranger District: DILLON
Forest Service Tract:
Watershed Code: 10020002
Forest or Resource Area: BEAVERHEAD
Owner: N
Report: Golden Dawn-McDonald-Starlight (BE000288/BE000330/BE000360) The Golden Dawn, McDonald, and Starlight Mines are located immediately north of Rattlesnake Creek on a dry ridgeline. Total surface disturbance is approximately 4 acres. Workings consist of multiple adits (now caved), an incline shaft (caved), stopes, pits, and trenches. There are many small dumps and several moderately-sized dumps. These mines explore vein deposits in the Devonian Jefferson dolomite which strikes NE and dips approximately 50SE (Geach, 1972). Gangue mineralogy consisted of brecciated and fractured carbonate rock filled with calcite and/or jasper; lead and silver ore was recovered (Geach, 1972). Production from these mines was minor. The workings and dumps are located on a dry, south-facing ridge; there is no water component. These sites are on USFS land. A plan view and underground map of the Golden Dawn Mine exists in the MBMG files.
Screening Criteria Table
Mill Tailings: N
Adit Discharge: N
Metal Leaching: N
Water Erosion: N
Residence: N
Hazardous Materials: N
Open Adit: N
Visit: Y
Comments: MBMG GEOLOGIST: JACK WATSON (6/5/94); PHOTOS 2-19 AND 2-20.
Rank Table
Investigator: J. WATSON
Date: 6/5/1994
Photos Available?:
Nearest Wetlands/Bog:
Water Contact Stream:
Nearest Surface Water Intake:
Number of Surface Water Intake(s) observed within 15 miles downstream:
Uses of Surface Water Intake(s) observed within 15 miles downstream:
Nearest Wells (miles):
Number of Wells within 4 miles:
Uses of Wells within 4 miles:
Nearest Dwelling (miles):
Number of Months Occupied:
Number of Houses within 2 miles:
Recreational Usage on Site:
Nearest Recreational Area (miles):
Name or Type of Recreational Area:
Safety Risk from Open Adit/Shaft:
Safety Risk from Highwall or Unstable Slopes:
Safety Risk from Unstable Structures:
Safety Risk from Chemicals:
Safety Risk from Solid Waste (includes sharp rusted items):
Safety Risk from Explosives:
Sensitive Environments within 2 miles of Site or 15 miles Downstream:
Population within 0-0.25 miles:
Population within 0.25-0.5 miles:
Population within 0.5-1 miles:
Population within 1-2 miles:
Population within 2-3 miles:
Population within 3-4 miles:
Public Interest:

End of report. Retrieved 10/2/2024 5:59:09 AM.

The preceding materials represent the contents of the databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval. The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis. The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user at the time and date of the retrieval. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. There may be data in the request area that are not recorded at the Bureau.