The data below represents all available Waypoint for your search area. Click on the links provided in the Waypoint Id column to view a one-page summary.

Aim Id Waypoint Id # Pictures Date Site Name General Area Narrative
MA003515 RC033 0 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Lowermost pile is 10 ft wide by 20 ft by 4 ft high. Subround gneiss then upstream is unwashed tan, clay pile. Some hand stacked , some piles of small cobbles. Ground sluicing with well built sluiceways, then more handstacked walls. Tan, unwashed banks on
MA003515 RC034 0 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Placer lessens, and peters out. There is a highwall still on the right side.
MA003515 RC035 0 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Fencepost corner. Washed piles resume. Six to eight inch, well washed cobbles but large angular boulders (2-3 ft), then just washed dirt and alluvium. Canyon narrows.
MA003515 RC036 0 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK BLM-private boundary. Canyon narrows, no more placer… maybe just a little disturbed ground.
MA003515 RC037 0 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Large pile - 6 to 8 ft high x 70 ft long x 10 ft wide; metal post (survey?) just above canyon. Private?
MA003515 RC038 8 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Agitator Mine - wooden ditch. 1 adit, 2 others started. Wooden loadout with concrete base.
MA003515 RC039 1 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Placer
MA003515 RC040 1 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Minor, small piles. Some hand-stacked. Poor small road crosses creek, here and follows the other side.
MA003515 RC041 0 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK One placer pile, washed cobbles.
MA003515 RC042 2 11/4/2010 Ramshorn Creek RAMSHORN CREEK Alluvial fan, with some washing/placering.
MA000283 CA043 2 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK No placer ~50 ft below the end of this section of placer (but passed some coming up). Recent test pit; no placer. Downstream the end of placer is in subrounded/flat, handstacked walls; 6 in. to 1 ft boulders. ~10 ft of light tan silty material.Only one pi
MA000283 CA044 2 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Flat spot in creek, 3 ft to 5 ft wide, ~300 gpm. Placer starts again in another 50 ft. Have washed side drainages for ~`50 ft width. Rocks mostly gneiss with some white bull quartz boulders.
MA000283 CA045 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Light tan sediments.
MA000283 CA046 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Wooden flume.
MA000283 CA047 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Washed sediments up side drainage. No piles of spoils. 4 in. by 4 in. post. Outcrop, upstream of this, steep side drainages are washed: 15 ft deep, 50 ft long, 15 ft wide.
MA000283 CA048 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Placer starts again, up from outcrops on the other side the creek.
MA000283 CA049 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Placer ended ~500 ft downstream; now starts again on a smaller scale. Claim post. Some test pits on sides of main drainage. Cobbles in pits. Placer <50 ft wide in main drainage, is intermittent.
MA000283 CA050 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Placer. Still placer with side (north) washed cobble piles/spoils.
MA000283 CA051 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Location post. Thomas Dean (1999) Lucky Boy. By where the road comes down. Placer continues on the bench on the other side of the creek with ditch paralleling creek and test pits higher up.
MA000283 CA052 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Mafic (amphibolite?), FeOx. Just upstream of cut/placer on opposite bank.
MA000283 CA053 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Placer starts again; Only on north side of creek. Just below where the better road joins. Placer increases upstream from here.
MA000283 CA054 3 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK White/orange altered zone; is "washed" in the channel up to this outcrop. This is just below where drainage is placered; comes in from the north/spring area. Boards, scrap iron, flume(?). Creek has steep banks here; are intermittent piles of washed cobble
MA000283 CA055 2 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Placer pile on far side of creek (south). Still placering but first pile in long time. On "better" road. Trees are more mature here. Call this the end of the placer. There may be more isolated piles upstream but nothing major. Probably just trenches for e
MA000283 CA056 3 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Developed spring. Two cups in tree, black poly pipe and white PVC across road. Photos 131_a, 131_b, 131_c.
MA000283 CA057 2 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Shack mine office. Lockers, stove, wash tubs, chairs, hose, jars, etc. Wooden flume in poor condition. Rocks are intrusive here. Photos 132_a and 132_b
MA000283 CA058 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Junction of roads. Spiderwebs of placer. One or two on north side of junction.
MA000283 CA059 2 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Claim corner, No. 2, NW ? 8' arrow points north. Photos 134_a and 134_b
MA000283 CA060 0 11/5/2010 California Creek CALIFORNIA CREEK Parking area.

End of report. 28 records listed. Retrieved 7/3/2024 1:25:58 AM.

The preceding materials represent the contents of the databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval. The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis. The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user at the time and date of the retrieval. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. There may be data in the request area that are not recorded at the Bureau.