The data below represents all available Waypoint for your search area. Click on the links provided in the Waypoint Id column to view a one-page summary.

Aim Id Waypoint Id # Pictures Date Site Name General Area Narrative
BE000197 AR76 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Top of ridge.
BE000197 AR77 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Contact with limestone (uphill to north) and quartzite (downhill to south). Also breccia.
BE000197 AR78 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA 2nd waypoint. Contact with limestone (uphill to north) and quartzite (downhill to south). Also breccia.
BE000197 AR79 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Alluvial fan with small creek on it (lower end). Placer rocks? Could be natural. Marroon siltite down from the USFS gate. One small pile of spoils just down from gate.
BE000197 AR80 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Springs emerge.
BE000197 AR81 3 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Drainage comes in from the west. Placer spoils on main creek. Mixed cobble/alluvium quartzite and volcanics? Piles 5 ft x 10 ft x 4 to 5 ft high.
BE000197 AR82 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Another placer spoil pile. Goes downstream ~about 100 ft. Another small spot and then no placer until curve in road.
BE000197 AR83 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Past curve in road. Claim posts here but placer has died out again. Test pits on both sides of road.
BE000197 AR84 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA By small side drainage, and some across the road.
BE000197 AR85 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Breached dam. Old rusty stove.
BE000197 AR86 4 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Placer. Longest stretch of placer - spoils piles parallel creek. Placer ends where mine is.
BE000197 AR87 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA Mine.
BE000197 AR88 0 7/1/2011 FRENCH GULCH ARGENTA One pile, and then ~250 ft to 400 ft of placer.
BE000203 DC61 0 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Road
BE000203 DC62 0 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Road
BE000203 DC63 0 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Road
BE000203 DC64 2 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Scrap iron, pieces of placer machinery. Past marshy area and tipped over outhouse; woven wire. Creek is 1 to 2 ft wide, lined with alders, aspen, sedges/forbs, dandelions, violets, ~100 gpm.
BE000203 DC65 4 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK First sign of placer going upstream of 1" to 4" exposed cobbles. Mostly limestone & quartzite.
BE000203 DC66 10 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Sawn lumber on small talus. Stream is flattened out here ~30 inches wide, but only a few inches deep. Marroon banded sandstone with casts of ~<.5 cm round balls.
BE000203 DC67 2 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Thirty ft of low rock walls with stacked, flattened rocks with rounded sand balls. Sawn lumber with stakes on it to be driven into the ground. Small placer piles ~5 ft to 10 ft by 30 ft locally along both sides of the creek. Rock is a clean, white quartz
BE000203 DC68 7 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Upper end of placer (still small amount upstream, but spotty). Wooden sluice and scrap metal; 1/2 compressor tank. Someone has sampled recently.
BE000203 DC69 7 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK South of split in Dyce Creek road (East and West Forks), reclaimed placer, 6" to 18 " boulders. Old water wheel.
BE000203 DC70 4 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Placer pit with old garbage, spring at the end of a trench. Six inch diameter aspen and cedars, junipers, part of the older placer.
BE000203 DC71 5 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Possible duplicate reading; instrument error.
BE000203 DC72 0 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK Reclaimed flat area -- grasses, blue flag iris, sage, rabbitbrush.
BE000203 DC73 0 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK On road. No photo.
BE000203 DC74 0 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK On road. No photo.
BE000203 DC75 0 6/21/2011 DYCE CREEK BANNACK On road. No photo.
BE000209 BAN_41 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer Cold Spring Creek By powerline and Spring Creek, PVC pipes with holes in covers.
BE000209 BAN_41 5 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer COLD SPRING CREEK By powerline and Spring Creek, PVC pipes with holes in covers.
BE000209 BAN_42 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer COLD SPRING CREEK Adit with gated culvert.
BE000209 BAN_43 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer COLD SPRING CREEK Junction in road.
BE000209 BAN_44 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer COLD SPRING CREEK Another junction.
BE000209 BAN_45 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer COLD SPRING CREEK Took right at this junction.
BE000209 BAN_46 1 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer Bannack On "Grasshopper Creek Road", took photo of alluvium and volcanics. BLM north of road.
BE000209 BAN_47 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK Turn to east.
BE000209 BAN_48 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK Fence line.
BE000078 BAN_49 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK Gate private/BLM
BE000078 BAN_50 4 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK Private new log cabin.
BE000078 BAN_51 15 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK Northmost edge.
BE000078 BAN_52 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK Trench crosses road to north. Light tan silt.
BE000078 BAN_53 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK 6 ft by 6 t by 15 ft deep shaft/pit on south side of road.
BE000078 BAN_54 0 8/25/2011 Grasshopper Placer GRASSHOPPER CREEK West end of cuts. Dry arroyo adjacent to road. Are 6 ft to 10 ft vertical sides. Rock outcrop on road.
BE000078 BAN_50 0 8/25/2011
BE000078 BAN_51 0 8/25/2011
BE000078 BAN_52 0 8/25/2011
BE000078 BAN_53 0 8/25/2011
BE000215 JD010 0 9/30/2010 JEFF DAVIS PLACER CHINATOWN Tertiary sediments in banks; not placered.
BE000215 JD011 0 9/30/2010 JEFF DAVIS PLACER CHINATOWN Locked gate; found out later that road to north is County road and public.
BE000215 JD012 0 9/30/2010 JEFF DAVIS PLACER CHINATOWN Dry drainage, small patches of placer (?) handwork.
BE000215 JD013 0 9/30/2010 JEFF DAVIS PLACER CHINATOWN Near H&S mine on hillside; photo vantage point for Chinatown.

End of report. 51 records listed. Retrieved 7/3/2024 1:26:12 AM.

The preceding materials represent the contents of the databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval. The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis. The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user at the time and date of the retrieval. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. There may be data in the request area that are not recorded at the Bureau.