The data displayed below were collected during a joint project between the following departments at Montana Tech of The University of Montana: Geophysical Engineering and the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. The samples represent sandstones collected and analyzed for their potential use as proppant material.

General Information
Reference Austin, W.H., Jr., 1950, Reconnaissance geology of the south flank of Cinnamon Mountain, Gallatin County, Montana: University of Michigan, M.S. thesis, 102 p.
Measured Section Details
Unit Symbol Name Township Range Section 1/4 Section Location Latitude Longitude Geomethod Datum Page Number Sub Unit Id Sandstone Description Grain Size Cementation Roundness Sorting Thickness (ft) Suitability
*t Locality III 09S 04E 18 BD In the north valley wall of Taylor Fork over one and one quarter miles from it's junction with the g 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 32 6 sandstone- gray to bff with small black specks, prominent cliff former that weathers medium to dark brown 2.5 no
*t Locality III 09S 04E 18 BD 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 32 5 sandstone- medium to light brown with small black specks, cliff former, weathers medium brown. Interbedded with chert fine 5 probably not
*t Locality III 09S 04E 18 BD 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 32 2 sandstone- light gray with numerous magnetite (?) grains, cliff former that weathers buff to light gray with some iron staining. Hackly fracture and lots of chert nodules and veins. Chert layering at base fine calcareous 18 no
*t Locality III 09S 04E 18 BD 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 32 1 sandstone- light gray weathers yellow gray with yellow and brown iron stains, blocky fracture-talus former fine dense, calcareous 24 probably not
*t Locality II 09S 04E 18 BD Same description as above section 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 33 5 sandstone- light gray weathers yellow gray with yellow and brown iron stains, blocky fracture-talus former fine dense, calcareous 24 probably not
*t Locality II 09S 04E 18 BD 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 33 4 sandstone- yellow gray, quartzite cliff former that weathers gray-buff. Blocky fracture with part of section covered by talus fine 30 no
*t Locality II 09S 04E 18 BD 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 33 3 sandstone- yellow to tan, cliff former that weathers buff to gray, blocky fracture medium calcareous, porous 15 yes
*t Locality II 09S 04E 18 BD 45.05212630215 -111.283062883 TRS-SEC NAD83 33 2 sandstone- light gray, quartzite cliff former that weathers gray, blocky fracture and iron stains fine 21 probably not
kk Locality VII 09S 04E 18 BAC The north wall of Taylor Fork Valley about one quarter mile east of the junction of Taylor Fork and 45.05490880215 -111.284345133 TRS-SEC NAD83 67 10 Sandstone- light yelloow gray, limonite present and speckled appearance, poorly bedded compact cliff former. Thin and flaggy near middle 8
kk 09S 04E 18 BAC 45.05490880215 -111.284345133 TRS-SEC NAD83 68 7 sandstone- eaven grained with poorly defined bedding. Presence of limonite stains, yellowish gray color that weathers rediish brown. Surface pitted with some limonite concretions fine 15.5 no
kk 09S 04E 18 BAC 45.05490880215 -111.284345133 TRS-SEC NAD83 68 4 cliff former similar to unit 2 below. Contains large interbedded lenses of conglomerate very calcareous 9 no
kk 09S 04E 18 BAC 45.05490880215 -111.284345133 TRS-SEC NAD83 69 2 sandstone- gray, even textured blakc speckled and cross bedded. Small lenses of conglomerate present. At 5'4" there is a very fine- grained 4" layer of white sandstone very calcareous 5.5 probably not